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Auctus Business Consulting

Consumer Goods

In the Sector of Consumer goods we located to companies of the industry of Foods and Drinks, Beauty/Cleanliness, Paper, Phamacists, basic Chemistry, etc.


  • High price competition and market share gain through product portfolio breadth and economies of scale.
  • Concentration of sales in modern channel and great surfaces (“category killers”), with smaller margins of yield.
  • Demands on the modern channel for fast response times, quality certification at the source and responsibility for defaults in service and supply.


  • Demand Planning (collaborative Channel schemes).
  • Sales Channel and Price Control Development and Management.
  • Category Management (Leading and promotional links with the Channel).
  • Synchronizing of the Supply Chain and inventory reduction.
  • Flexible manufacturing and of low cost.


  • Merchandising and Category Management from POS.
  • Simultaneous Excellence in Service Level, Inventory and Manufacturing Cost
  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Service Cost and its Effectiveness.


  1. Promote and attend Sales Channel development initiatives, manage POS and the customer experience;
  2. Discipline and measurement of the effectiveness of Programming, Production and Logistics, at the customer service / channel level;
  3. Streamline the supply, manufacturing and distribution processes, looking for low-cost manufacturing that allows competitive prices and margins; among others…